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Japan’s Government Debt Holdings Record High in Q4 2017

марта, 19 2018
watermark Economic news

The government debt of the Japanese central bank increased in the last quarter of the year amid the implementation of the quantitative easing program following the concerns in maintaining a sustainable monetary policy.

There is a recorded value of  449 trillion yen or $4.24 trillion government debt from the central bank by December that was seen to have increased by 6.8 percent over the same period last year based on the record from the central bank on Monday.

The rate of 41.1 percent of government data by December has been the highest figure recorded, whereas 21.6 percent is accounted from the Insurance companies and pensions as the second biggest holders.

Overseas investors increased debt to 122 trillion yen by the end of the December as the highest record so far.

Meanwhile, the debt purchases have declined since the shift in policy rates comes September 2016 and aiming for the interest rates based on the quantity of the monetary base.

Yet, the overall BOJ government holdings continue to reach the record highs, which could further incite quantitative easing to have an effect on the bond market.

Japanese households data soared to 3.9 percent in the fourth quarter last year to a record of 1,880 trillion yen because of stock profits and investment trusts, according to the central bank.

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