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Annual inflation in the eurozone slowed down in February

марта, 02 2023
watermark Economic news

According to the European statistical agency Eurostat, annual inflation in the eurozone, according to preliminary estimates, slowed to 8.5% in February from 8.6% a month earlier. Analysts had expected a slowdown to 8.2%.

A year earlier, inflation of 5.9% per annum was recorded in the eurozone. On a monthly basis, consumer prices in the eurozone increased by 0.8% compared to January, when the indicator decreased by 0.2%.

Core annual inflation (CPI Core index, excluding food and energy) accelerated to 5.6%, while analysts predicted that the indicator would remain at the January level of 5.3%.

The growth of energy prices in the eurozone in February slowed to 13.7% from 18.9% in January, while the rise in prices for food, alcohol and tobacco products accelerated from 14.1% to 15%.

The highest inflation in February was recorded in Latvia (20.1%), Estonia (17.8%) and Lithuania (17.2%), the lowest in Luxembourg (4.8%), Belgium (5.5%) and Spain (6.1%).

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