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Alibaba introduced its competitor for ChatGPT

апреля, 11 2023
watermark Economic news

The Chinese company Alibaba has introduced its artificial intelligence technology, which will become the main one for the chatbot. The new development called Tongyi Qianwen will be an analogue of ChatGPT from the American OpenAI and will support work in Chinese and English.

The name Tongyi Qianwen can be translated as «The Truth of a thousand questions». During the presentation of the chatbot and demonstration of its capabilities, the artificial intelligence was able to write a draft of the invitation, planned the route of the trip and gave advice on what cosmetics would be best to buy. Alibaba representatives said that the company will integrate artificial intelligence capabilities into all its applications in the near future.

First of all, it is planned to add the technology to the DingTalk meeting application: the assistant will be able to create a summary of the meeting, write an email or draft a business proposal. In addition, support for artificial intelligence will be added to Alibaba's Tmall Genie voice assistant, which is used to control a smart home. 

On April 14, Alibaba plans to make artificial intelligence available to its customers so that they can start creating their own, personalized language models – the basis for the technology to work.

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