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Malaysia’s Inflation Rate Rises in March Keeping Interest Rates Unchanged

апреля, 16 2018
watermark Economic news

The annual inflation in Malaysia is anticipated to rise by 1.6 percent in March which has risen to 1.6 percent that has a slight increase from the previous month, according to the survey of Reuters.

A survey of economists say that inflation will probably be maintained by lower fuel prices in March that counterbalances expensive food costs

For the month of February, the inflation rate was 1.4 percent which has been the slowest progress since October 2016. After attaining more than 3 percent last year, the headline inflation sustained at every month, reaching at 5.1 percent as the highest in March 2017.

The central bank of Malaysia maintained the key interest rates the same in the previous month after peaking in January in over three years while the inflationary pressure lessens.

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