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Microsoft sees danger in using artificial intelligence

мая, 03 2023
watermark Economic news

Microsoft Chief economist Michael Schwartz believes that artificial intelligence (AI) can cause serious damage in the hands of unscrupulous people, for example, during elections.

Schwartz is sure that AI must be controlled, but with caution. Legislators should be guided by the following principles: the benefits of AI regulation for society should be greater than the various costs.

According to Schwartz, Microsoft is working on creating protective mechanisms that will help reduce the potential danger from AI tools. Only in this case, artificial intelligence will revolutionize the work of most enterprises.

Microsoft's views are shared by other companies. Yesterday, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak spoke out in favor of regulating artificial intelligence to protect people. It also became known that the British-Canadian scientist Jeffrey Hinton, who is called a «pioneer» and «godfather» in the field of AI, left Google, where he worked for more than 10 years. Hinton was developing machine learning algorithms to openly warn people about the possible dangers of technology.

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