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JPMorgan: investors will go to gold and the IT-sector

мая, 08 2023
watermark Economic news

Analysts at JPMorgan bank believe that investors will increasingly prefer gold and shares of technology companies, as investments in these assets are expected to be able to provide protection from a possible recession in the United States this year.

Experts note that gold is considered both as a bet on monetary policy easing and as a protective asset in case of a «catastrophic scenario» in the economy. Therefore, the banking crisis in the United States in March of this year significantly increased the demand for gold. 

It is also worth noting that interest in gold is also observed from the world central banks. In the first three months of 2023 alone, regulators of the largest countries purchased 228 tons of gold. This was the highest figure for the first quarter since at least 2000.

As for the IT sector, the picture here is very positive. The share of technology companies' securities in investors' portfolios has grown significantly this year, approaching the maximum of 2021. In addition, the shares of tech sector companies have the lowest share of short positions among all sectors. This means that the market as a whole is optimistic about the prospects of this industry.

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