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Apple's capitalization has reached a historical record again

июня, 30 2023
watermark Economic news

Apple's market capitalization exceeded the $3 trillion mark on Friday, which was the second time in the company's history. 

The American company remains the only one in the world that has achieved this significant indicator. Apple's stock price rose 1.5% today to $192.46 per share. After that, the company's market capitalization was $3.03 trillion.

In January 2022, Apple was already becoming the first company in the world whose market value exceeded the $3 trillion milestone.

Since the beginning of June, the share price of the smartphone manufacturer has increased by a little more than 8%, and since the beginning of the second quarter – by 16.5%. In general, since the beginning of the year, the company's securities have risen by 48%.

Apple, founded in 1976, specializes in the production of personal and tablet computers, audio players, phones, smart watches and software.

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