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Threads breaks all records

июля, 10 2023
watermark Economic news

The number of new users of the Meta Threads platform has crossed the threshold of 100 million users, which has made Twitter's main competitor the fastest growing online platform in history.

The new Instagram app has reached this level much faster than even ChatGPT. The OpenAI chatbot broke the 100 million mark two months after launch, but Threads, which was launched only on Wednesday, achieved this in a matter of days. In the first two hours, the number of users reached 2 million.

«The launch has far exceeded our expectations,» CEO Mark Zuckerberg said on Friday.

Threads' record-breaking launch was facilitated by a simple registration process that requires users to log into the app through their Instagram accounts. According to Sensor Tower, Threads is currently the most downloaded free app in the US on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

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