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Experts: there is no alternative to the grain deal route

августа, 16 2023
watermark Economic news

Analyzing the situation around the closure of the grain deal, experts came to the conclusion that to date, no alternative route for the export of Ukrainian grain has yet been found. 

In light of this problem, the United States is trying to negotiate the creation of routes that could replace the one used during the grain deal. One of the potential routes suggests using the Danube River and the ports of Romania.

However, now the way across the Danube does not meet a number of criteria. Firstly, this route can be very slow, and in addition there are many other problems that are currently unsolvable. 

In particular, analysts mention the need to build additional capacities in Bulgaria or Romania, as well as problems with rail transport in Romania. Perhaps all these issues can be resolved in a year and a half, but today such an export route is ineffective.

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