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Increase in US Tax Reduction may Slow down: NABE

июня, 05 2018
watermark Economic news

Private economists polled on Monday stated that the increase of tax cuts for the American economy is possible to slow down in 2019 due to risks growth from the projected recession in 2020. The National Association for Business Economics (NABE) polled 45 economists and found that the average expectation for US GDP growth in 2018 is 2.8 percent, which would likely cool down to 2.6 percent in the following year.

The survey showed that 57 percent of the respondents stated that balance of risks is in favor to the downside which is exactly opposite to the survey results in March this year, whereas, 75 percent believed for a higher upside potential.

In the past quarter, the economic policy talks were led by imposed tariffs and trade wards. According to NABE’s survey analyst Steven Cochrane, the tax reductions implied by US President Donald Trump could possibly provide a short-term growth expansion that will ease in 2019.

Moreover, the International Monetary Fund expects for a 2.9 percent growth in the United States for the current year and 2.7 percent in 2019. However, the figures were lower than Trump’s promise higher than 3 percent.

The US economy continued to grow since June 2009 recession which is the second longest period without decline, but the past nine years showed sluggish performance.

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