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Unemployment in Japan in July unexpectedly rose to the highest in 4 months

августа, 29 2023
watermark Economic news

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, unemployment unexpectedly rose in July, reaching the highest level in the last four months – 2.7%. The June figure is 2.5%.

The consensus forecast of analysts assumed that the unemployment rate would remain unchanged compared to the previous month.

Thus, the number of unemployed in Japan increased by 110 thousand in July to 1.84 million people. At the same time, the number of employed people decreased by 100 thousand to 67.45 million people.

The ratio of the number of open vacancies to the number of job seekers has also become an important indicator of the labor market. The month before last, this figure was 129 open vacancies per 100 job seekers, which decreased slightly compared to 130 in June. This is the lowest level since July 2022.

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