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OpenAI seeks new valuation of up to $90 billion in sale of existing shares

сентября, 27 2023
watermark Economic news

Investors are negotiating to buy shares of OpenAI, the creator of the popular GPT chatbot, at a price corresponding to the company's valuation of $80-90 billion.

It is assumed that securities of current shareholders, including OpenAI employees, worth hundreds of millions of dollars will be offered for sale.

OpenAI, 49% owned by Microsoft Corp., expects to reach revenue of $1 billion this year and plans to increase this amount to several billion by 2024. If the company is valued at $80 billion or higher, it will make it one of the most expensive startups in the world.

For Microsoft, such an assessment of OpenAI allows for significant potential income, given that the company invested about $30 billion in the startup in January of this year. 

OpenAI began to make a profit only after the launch of the GPT chatbot last November. She earns money by selling access to more advanced versions of ChatGPT and licensing her language models.

Some analysts suggest that OpenAI may issue additional shares to raise funds, given the growing costs of developing and maintaining its AI systems.

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