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New EU Defense Force Plan Proposed by Macron

июня, 25 2018
watermark Economic news

According to a French minister, there were nine European countries expected to lay out their plan to have an EU military intervention force, as the United Kingdom supported the measure to keep the strong defense connection with Europe after Brexit. The force is called as the European Intervention Initiative, advocated by French President Emmanuel Macron, which is designed in terms of crisis.

A report from the newspaper Le Figaro shows that a letter of intent is scheduled to be signed by, Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, and Portugal in Luxembourg today, as stated by French defense minister Florence Parly

Based on the information from a source close to the minister, the action involves joint planning towards critical situation especially factors that would likely affect the bloc’s security. The initiative further includes natural catastrophic events and evacuation operations.

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