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Japan’s Industrial Output Dropped by 0.2% in May

июня, 29 2018
watermark Economic news

Japan’s industrial output declined by 0.2 percent in May compared to the previous month, which is the first drop in four months, based on the government report on Friday.

The factory output was 104.4 in the seasonally adjusted index against the total of 100 in 2010, as reported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry. Previously, the recorded data was 0.5 percent increase in April.

Forecast of the ministry on the industrial production remains slow.

Industrial shipments dropped to 101.4 by 1.6 percent compared to the increased inventories to 113.5 by 0.6 percent.

Manufacturer’s expected outcome is gaining 0.4 percent in June and 0.8 percent in July, as shown on the survey by the ministry.

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