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BOE’s Carney Reversed Warnings on Brexit Danger to UK

января, 12 2017
watermark Economic news

Brexit poses no risk at all towards the UK economy, BOE’s Governor Mark Carney told the Members of Parliament. The governor confirmed the perils about the Bank’s decision to leave the European Union were already reduced. However, the likelihood of risk is considered to be “elevated” since the danger weigh more within the continent of Europe than the UK.

Carney also mentioned there is a need to undertake the transition period and further marked it as  "highly advisable". Failure to carry out the stage for transition will bear consequences by which this major changes will be the support in alleviating the possible fallout.

The Canadian economist said the country should focus on stabilizing the access in financial services industry as Brexit took place eventually. The financial market is subjected to endure extreme consequences in case it  lose some of its elements.

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