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The Netherlands may withdraw from the European Union

ноября, 23 2023
watermark Economic news

The far-right Freedom Party won the parliamentary elections in the Netherlands.

The party won 37 out of 150 seats in Parliament, which will allow it to form a government and appoint its leader Geert Wilders as chief executive.

At the same time, the Freedom Party is known for its controversial positions: opposing assistance to Ukraine, supporting the Netherlands' exit from the European Union (Nexit), as well as pursuing anti-Islamic policies and tightening migration policy.

It is worth noting that the popularity of right-wing political forces is also growing in other countries – in Argentina and Germany. This phenomenon is often associated with crisis phenomena and economic problems in these countries. In the United States, there is also an increase in the popularity of the «right», especially in the context of the potential victory of Donald Trump in the next election.

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