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The price of gold has reached a maximum in six months

ноября, 27 2023
watermark Economic news

At the beginning of the week, the price of gold exceeded the threshold of $2,000 per ounce, reaching the highest level in the last six months. 

This rise in prices for the precious metal is associated with the weakening of the US dollar and growing optimism among investors convinced that the US Federal Reserve has completed the period of interest rate hikes.

During Monday's trading, the price of spot gold reached $2018 per ounce, which was a record since May of this year. The current quote of the asset is $2010.75. 

In total, since the beginning of November, gold has increased in price by 1.5%. In addition, other metals are also becoming more expensive: silver futures for December delivery showed an increase of 1.8% to $24.79 per ounce, which was the highest price since the end of August. For the current month, silver has risen in price by 8%.

Platinum fell 0.3% to $927.48. Palladium rose 0.1% to $1069.85 per ounce.

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