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Eurozone’s Steady Growth of Consumer Confidence in July

июля, 24 2018
watermark Economic news

Consumer confidence in the eurozone remained the same in July, signifying steadfast growth in the third quarter based on the data published on Monday.

According to the European Commission, the flash estimate of the eurozone consumer morale was kept unchanged at -0.6 points in July. Meanwhile, the data for June was adjusted lower from the earlier figure of -0.5 to 0.6.

As for the general consumer sentiment in the European Union, a significant increase in the result to -0.7 with 0.6 points difference from the previous data.

Yet, economists are still optimistic of growth to continue by the second half of the year amid the weakened status in the second quarter. Forecast of the European Central Bank says growth will be 2.1 percent this year in the whole eurozone.

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