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S. Korea Factory Activity Slump for Five Months in a Row

августа, 01 2018
watermark Economic news

The factory activity of South Korea declined for the fifth time in July and recorded as the worst drop since November 2016. While new orders and output fell as shown in the private manufacturing poll on Wednesday.

The Nikkei/Markit purchasing managers’ index (PMI) had a downturn to 20-month low at 48.3 last month, compared to June’s 49.8 and remained to be lower than the 50-point mark that separates growth from contraction since March 2018. The manufacturing activity was affected by the new orders and output and slumped to its 3-month lows at 47.8 and 47.3, respectively. Furthermore, the data showed that the business confidence shrunk to ten-month low due to gloomy conditions. The output reading indicates notable weakness in the production figures for the month of June.

On the other hand, the instability in domestic demand occurred during the intensive global growth uncertainties as the international trade conflict threatens to affect economies that primarily rely on exports. The sub-index for new export orders had decreased from 52.9 on June to 50.1 in July, which gave hints for the potential marginal increase in new foreign businesses and if such trend will continue, the economic growth might get hurt.

South Korea was also afflicted by the war between the United States and China, as their largest export market, and this further heightened the risks for transport manufacturers.

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