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Britain has imposed an embargo on exports of dual-use goods to Russia

декабря, 15 2023
watermark Economic news

The UK has announced the introduction of a new package of sanctions against Russia, which includes an embargo on the export of dual-use goods, as well as prohibits the export of a number of goods that can be used for military or industrial purposes. 

This measure is aimed at reducing potential British exports to Russia and is estimated at 70 million pounds (more than $87.5 million).

In addition, Britain is introducing a separate law prohibiting the import of diamonds from Russia, as well as some metals. This measure is estimated at 67 million pounds (about $84 million).

Earlier, EC Chairman Ursula von der Leyen said that the parties would agree on the details of the 12th package of sanctions against Russia, under which a ban on diamond imports would be introduced. Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that «the West has become entangled in anti-Russian sanctions, and has reached the point of absurdity in its fantasies.»

Putin also recalled Europe's plans to impose a ban on the supply of needles and nails to Russia, stressing that «the less junk they bring, the fewer bed bugs there will be.»

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