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British Manufacturing Weaken as Export Orders Decline

сентября, 04 2018
watermark Economic news

UK manufacturers had a lackluster month after a couple of years while exports had an unusual downfall in August, and these serve as a warning for the potential economic decline as the Brexit issues also affects British factories, according to a survey.

The IHS Markit/CIPS UK Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) is down to its lowest level since July 2016 at 52.8 due to Brexit vote, while  Reuters poll of economists showed a median estimate of 53.8.

Moreover, the pound appears to be sluggish against its rivals dollar and euro after the published data, as experts also mentioned that the possible exit of the  European Union in March 2019 without a finalized deal would likely reflect on the sentiment.

Factory orders became unsteady in more than two years, which was greatly affected by the initial decrease in export orders since April 2016. The uncertainty in the British exit approximately in seven months supported the business confidence to reach a 22-month low.

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