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Australian Economy Strengthen Due to High Consumer Spending

сентября, 05 2018
watermark Economic news

The resilient economy of Australia showed robust growth during the Apr-Jun quarter this year, along with the growing exports, consumer expenditure, and government spending, based on the official data issued on Wednesday.

The Australian economy grew by 0.9 percent for the second quarter, after the 0.7 percent expansion in the first quarter, to take the annual growth rate to 3.4 percent. However, the quarterly reading was way far than the market forecasts of 2.8 percent, following the yearly reading of 3.1 percent on Q1. The increase had pushed the Australian currency to reach nearly half a cent to 72.17 US cents.

Moreover, household spending escalated to 0.7 percent which added 0.4 percentage points of growth, as net exports contributed 0.1 percentage points. On the other hand, the government expenditure was up by 1.0 percent to extend its highest growth throughout the year.

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