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The value of Alphabet is approaching $2 trillion

апреля, 12 2024
watermark Economic news

After several failures in the field of artificial intelligence, Alphabet's strategy is again encouraging investors, and the company's share price has almost returned to a record level of $2 trillion. Only Microsoft Corp, Apple and Nvidia Corp. are above this company.

This week, the company demonstrated its new artificial intelligence model, ready for corporate use, despite recent problems with tools designed for consumers.

The relatively low value of a company's shares can attract the attention of investors, making them attractive to buy. Analysts are confident that Google's developments in the field of generative AI will provide huge opportunities for stock growth.

In general, Alphabet strives to generate revenue by creating its own generative AI tools that will allow you to more accurately target the consumer in advertising and increase revenue from advertising expenses.

The company's previous product using Gemini artificial intelligence turned out to be a failure, but this week Alphabet demonstrated Gemini's new capabilities for creating ads, preventing cyber threats, and producing short videos and podcasts. 

Overall, the company's shares have increased by 12% this year.

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