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What will happen to bitcoin after halving?

апреля, 16 2024
watermark Economic news

Cryptocurrency traders are now particularly concerned about the dynamics of bitcoin before the upcoming halving. This year, it is scheduled for April 20th, according to the CoinGecko data platform.

Previously, halving occurred in 2012, 2016 and 2020, after which bitcoin showed a sharp increase. For example, a year after halving in 2020, the token showed an increase of more than 545%. 

Today, market participants have no consensus on the future of bitcoin after halving.  Halving the number of bitcoins available to miners as a reward makes mining less profitable and slows down the production of new tokens. 

Some experts believe that the shortage of bitcoins can stimulate its growth. Bitfinex analysts predict that the price of bitcoin will increase by about 160% within 12-14 months after the current halving to an all-time high of more than $150,000. 

However, unlike previous cycles, the price of bitcoin has already reached a new peak even before the halving, which creates additional uncertainty ($73,803.25 in March). LMAX Group CEO David Mercer expressed the opinion that in 2024 the halving effect could already be taken into account, and there may not be a repeat of mass growth.

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