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Sanctions against Russian metals will harm the U.S. and Great Britain more than Russia

апреля, 18 2024
watermark Economic news

The imposition of sanctions has led to the fact that the London and Chicago Metal Exchanges can no longer replenish their stocks of aluminum, copper and nickel through supplies from Russia.

This poses a serious problem for the LME: 91% of aluminum, 62% of copper and 36% of nickel are in the stock exchange's warehouses and are Russian. The situation in Chicago is not so pronounced, but it is also not without problems.

Moreover, as a result of the introduction of new sanctions, a new surge in trade between Russia and China is expected. The Shanghai Stock Exchange will be fully provided with Russian raw materials, while London and Chicago will have to turn to China to replenish their stocks.

And when the stocks of metals from Russia on the LME run out, China will have the opportunity to dictate its terms to resellers. For example: «We give you metals, and you give us chips» in the case of the United States.

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