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Microsoft has revealed its plans for the development of Windows

мая, 20 2024
watermark Economic news

At its first Build conference, Microsoft announced its intention to show modern hardware and software developers how to benefit from future versions of Windows.

Microsoft offers a completely new user interface focused on touch control, which will allow you to create fast, flexible and dynamic applications based on the Windows kernel.

Build has become a new event format for developers, replacing the conference of professional software developers. At previous conferences, for example, the Windows 8 "Developer Preview" build on a Samsung tablet was presented.

This year's event is taking place in Seattle and online from May 21st to 23rd. The main question that Microsoft poses to itself and developers is: «How will AI shape the future?» 

In response to this question, the company plans to offer Advanced Micro Devices (NASDAQ:AMD) chips to cloud computing customers. AMD's new AI platform is designed to compete with Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) components, a leader in this market.

A preview of the new Cobalt 100 processors will also be presented at the conference. Microsoft claims that their chips provide 40% higher performance than ARM-based competitors and are already used by companies such as Adobe and Snowflake.

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