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Unemployment in the eurozone in April updated the historical minimum

мая, 30 2024
watermark Economic news

Unemployment in the eurozone fell to 6.4% in April 2024, compared with 6.5% in the previous month, according to the statistical office of the European Union. This level has become a new minimum in the history of counting.

The consensus forecast of experts assumed that unemployment would remain at the same level. In April 2023, the unemployment rate in the eurozone was also 6.5%. Over the past month, the number of unemployed decreased by 100,000 people, amounting to 10.998 million.

Youth unemployment (under 25 years of age) fell to 14.1% in April from a revised 14.3% a month earlier. 

The lowest unemployment rate among the largest eurozone countries was recorded in Germany (3.2%), and the highest in Spain (11.7%). In France and Italy, the figures were 7.3% and 6.9%, respectively.

In the European Union as a whole, the unemployment rate remained at 6% in April. In April 2023, the indicator was similar.

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