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Apple again became the most expensive company in the world

июня, 14 2024
watermark Economic news

After the worldwide developers conference last Monday, Apple's plans to integrate artificial intelligence have increased expectations for updates to its new iPhone models. This led to an increase in the company's market capitalization to $3.285 trillion, overtaking Microsoft and returning Apple to the status of the most expensive company in the world.

The market capitalization increased after a three-day increase in the company's shares by 11%. Previously, Apple was in third place in terms of capitalization after NVIDIA Corporation. Apple's stock growth was driven by optimism and investor confidence that the company would benefit from the use of AI. Analysts predict that Microsoft, Apple, and Nvidia will grow in leaps and bounds in the near future.

Meanwhile, Apple's revenue declined 4.3% in the second quarter of the fiscal year, marking the fifth decline in the last six quarters. However, the AI functionality provided by the Apple Intelligence system, according to experts, will create opportunities for a multi-year update cycle by quickly replacing older iPhone models.

Apple also recently announced a $110 billion share buyback plan.

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