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Modi's victory put the Indian market on a par with the United States, China and Japan

июня, 18 2024
watermark Economic news

The value of Indian assets increased by $1 trillion in about six months, surpassing the $5 trillion mark for the first time. The latest growth spurt was due to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's new coalition, which strengthened faith in the stability of the country's politics.

The growth of India's stock market has allowed it to stand on a par with the United States, China, Japan and Hong Kong. 

The success of the Indian market is explained not only by Modi's political victory and the creation of a coalition between the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and key allies to form a government, but also by steady economic growth and the recent upgrade of India's rating forecast by S&P Global Ratings. 

In the new government, most of the key ministers will retain their portfolios, which contributes to the stability of the country's macroeconomics and the expectations of further growth in local stocks.

A distinctive feature of recent years has been the active participation of millions of young Indians in equity investments. Since the beginning of the year, local funds, including banks and insurers, have bought shares worth more than $26 billion, while foreign investors have sold shares worth $3.4 billion. Thus, the influence of foreign investors on the Indian market has become much less dominant.

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