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The main events by the morning: July 12

июля, 12 2024
watermark Economic news

  • Erdogan announced the resumption of work on the grain deal. During a meeting within the framework of the NATO summit, the head of Turkey said that work had begun on «revitalizing» the grain initiative. In addition, the leaders discussed the conflict in Ukraine, regional and global issues. Erdogan added that Turkey is making efforts to end the Ukrainian conflict with a «just peace.» 

  • The Kazakh depository urged clients to withdraw Russian securities from its circuit by August 1. The request was made in connection with the US sanctions against NSD. Lawyers admit that in the future, unrecognized assets may be frozen.

  • The Moscow Exchange will fight for the rights of shareholders: the site will toughen the punishment for unlawful delisting. There are cases when companies that want to become private intentionally violate the rules of the Moscow Exchange and look for loopholes in the law to provoke forced delisting. They want to fight this.

  • The global national debt has exceeded $100 trillion and continues to grow. According to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the volume of public debt is increasing rapidly. The United States remains the leader in debt with $37.5 trillion in liabilities. China is in second place with $14.9 trillion. Russia ranks 28th with a debt of $321.3 billion.

  • Viktor Orban met with Donald Trump as part of his peace mission. In his statement after the talks, he wrote: «Peace Mission 5.0. It was an honor for me to visit President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago today. We discussed ways to achieve peace.» The Hungarian Prime minister also noted that he believes in Trump's desire to resolve the situation in Ukraine.

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