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BoF Report Shows 0.4 Percent Growth but less than the INSEE Forecast

ноября, 12 2018
watermark Economic news

The economy of France is anticipated to rise by 0.4 percent in the fourth quarter, according to the Bank of France on Monday, where the figures show a steady growth.

In the previous month, the INSEE national statistics office anticipate growth  0.4 percent of the French economy in the September quarter, lower than the forecast of 0.5 percent growth.

Economists deem that the second largest economy needs to increase by 0.8 percent in the last quarter after achieving the 1.7 percent rate forecast by the government of Macron for the whole year.

Moreover, the industrial production demonstrated a sluggish growth in October based on the business climate survey on Monday. The primary reason is the automobile business amid updates in the new industry that affects car production.

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