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The main events by the morning: July 17

июля, 17 2024
watermark Economic news

  • The return of Donald Trump to the White House may lead to the easing of sanctions against Russia. On the second day of the Republican congress, the ex-president spoke out against the sanctions, considering them detrimental to US international relations. In his opinion, such measures only alienate other countries.

  • Dedollarization is gaining momentum, affecting almost half of the world's countries. Over the current year, 6 more countries have joined the movement aimed at weakening the dominance of the dollar in the global economy. As a result, the number of countries participating in dedollarization reached 81. Of these, 50 actively oppose the hegemony of the dollar, and 31 countries switch to settlements in national currencies or restrict the use of the dollar in their domestic operations.

  • China and Brazil's plan to resolve the conflict in Ukraine is gaining supporters. The peace initiative of China and Brazil on Ukraine is receiving more and more support. Already, 50 countries and international organizations have joined the proposed settlement plan for the Ukrainian crisis. Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui noted that within the framework of the initiative, it is planned to convene an international peace conference, which both sides of the conflict – Russia and Ukraine – are ready to join.

  • Russia and China are developing options for integrating payments through Mir cards. According to Chinese Ambassador to the Russian Federation Zhang Hanhui, this can help attract tourists from the Russian Federation, improve their conditions of stay, and also allow linking foreign bank cards to Chinese payment platforms.

  • Trump said Taiwan should pay for its protection. In an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek, the Republican candidate stressed that the United States currently acts as a kind of insurance company, while Taiwan does not provide anything in return.

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