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The main events by the morning: August 30

августа, 30 2024
watermark Economic news

  • In London, a 67-year-old man became the first patient to receive a lung cancer vaccine called BNT116. This drug differs in that it acts exclusively on cancer cells without affecting healthy ones, which distinguishes it from traditional chemotherapy. The vaccine is planned for use in 130 more patients from seven countries.

  • Russia ranks fourth among the BRICS countries in terms of carbon emissions, behind China, India and Brazil. According to Izvestia, the volume of carbon emissions in these countries is much higher. A carbon unit is a quota for greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to one ton of carbon dioxide.

  • The gap between Harris and Trump is narrowing: 48% of Americans support Harris, 47% are ready to vote for Trump. This was shown by a recent survey conducted by the WSJ from August 24 to 28. A previously published Reuters poll showed a more significant advantage for one of the candidates.

  • The diamond center in Belgium has expressed concerns about the possible consequences of new G7 sanctions against Russian diamonds. The diamond trade regulator warned market participants about the upcoming changes and urged them to prepare for the deterioration of market conditions.

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