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The era of high rates is coming to an end

сентября, 02 2024
watermark Economic news

In the fall, central banks around the world intend to end the era of high interest rates that began after the financial crisis of 2007-2008. This month, the US Federal Reserve will almost certainly join the ECB, the Bank of England, the People's Bank of China and other regulators who have already begun to cut key rates. 

The markets have already taken into account this upcoming adjustment, and the statement by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell on the revision of policy and the priority of a strong labor market and the fight against inflation further strengthened investor confidence.

The Fed is expected to cut rates three times by the end of the year by 25 basis points, as will the ECB and the Bank of England. This will lead to a reduction in rates to a level not seen since 2008, and an easing of inflation pressure on the global economy.

While large manufacturing centers such as Germany are facing difficulties, fears of recession have decreased in the United States, and the UK, which is more focused on the service sector, is experiencing strong economic growth.

The STOXX 600 index rose by almost 10%, reaching an all-time intraday high. The American S&P 500 also shows positive dynamics — 17% since the beginning of the year.

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