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Google and nuclear energy: the path to environmentally friendly data centers

октября, 08 2024
watermark Economic news

Google is actively exploring the possibility of using nuclear energy to power its data centers, working with energy companies in the United States and other countries.

This move highlights the growing interest in nuclear energy in the technology sector, which needs a stable and low-carbon energy source to support the rapid development of artificial intelligence.

Amanda Peterson Corio, head of global data center power supply at Google, noted the importance of round-the-clock uninterrupted power supply for a company that plans long-term growth.

In the United States, where Google cannot directly buy electricity, the company is working with partners from the electricity supply industry to explore the possibilities of introducing new technologies, including nuclear power.

Other tech giants such as Microsoft and Amazon are already betting on nuclear power. Microsoft has entered into an agreement to purchase electricity from the closed Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania, and Amazon recently acquired a nuclear power data center in the same state.

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