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Bank of America: inflation will remain moderate in September

октября, 09 2024
watermark Economic news

Bank of America forecasts moderate growth in both the core and core consumer price index in September, indicating stable core inflation without alarming signals.

The bank expects a monthly increase of 0.1% for the main index and 0.3% for the base index. Lower energy prices will soften the growth of the main indicator, while higher rents and used car prices will support the growth of the base indicator.

On an annual basis, Bank of America forecasts a decrease in core inflation to 2.3%, while the core CPI will remain at 3.2%. BofA analysts, based on data on inflation forecasts by component, expect core inflation at 0.18% on a monthly basis.

Despite the fact that inflation continues to move in the right direction, the upcoming report is likely to have no significant impact on the central bank's rate. The findings confirm the possibility of further rate cuts, but do not give grounds for concern about the current inflation rate.

If the report shows an acceleration in the pace of price growth in September, this could be a positive for the dollar, which has been strengthening for eight consecutive sessions at Wednesday's auction.

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