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The yuan is losing ground in international transactions

октября, 31 2024
watermark Economic news

According to data collected by the SWIFT system, the participation of the Chinese currency in international financial transactions has significantly decreased over the past month. The share of transactions using the yuan decreased to 3.6%, which is 1.1% lower than in August. Earlier in July, this figure reached a historic high of 4.7%.

Experts cannot yet unequivocally determine the reason for this decline, but some attribute it to the easing of pressure on the yuan exchange rate observed in the first half of the year. In September, the yuan strengthened for the third month in a row, temporarily breaking the 7 yuan per dollar mark.

China is increasingly promoting its currency on the international trade market, accelerating this process under the influence of US sanctions measures against Russia. According to some experts, the decrease in the share of payments in yuan may be due to a decrease in the popularity of swap transactions between investors in the debt market, which are in demand from foreign investors. 

It is also noted that such transactions decreased in September – at the beginning of the Fed's monetary policy easing cycle and after China introduced large-scale stimulus packages. 

At the moment, one dollar is equal to 7.12 yuan.

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