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Alibaba plans to issue bonds worth $5 billion

ноября, 15 2024
watermark Economic news

Chinese technology company Alibaba Group Holdings plans to issue bonds worth about $5 billion this month, Bloomberg reports, citing insiders. 

It is expected that the sale of debt obligations may include issues in both dollars and yuan. However, the company itself has not yet given official comments.

The move follows the successful private placement of convertible bonds for a similar amount in May. The last time Alibaba issued standard dollar bonds on public markets was in 2021, when it conducted a massive $5 billion deal. It is not yet known whether the upcoming release will be private or public.

Asian credit markets are currently offering favorable conditions for borrowers: dollar bond yields in the region have reached historic lows thanks to the Chinese government's measures to stimulate the economy.

Alibaba is not the only company that has decided to take advantage of the situation. In September, another major player, the Meituan food delivery platform, successfully placed $2.5 billion in bonds.

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