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Forecast: Bitcoin can overcome $200,000

ноября, 18 2024
watermark Economic news

Despite the fact that bitcoin has not yet reached the six-digit mark, analysts predict its double increase in price compared to the current level of about $ 90,000.

Based on the analysis of the «260-day fractal complexity» of bitcoin, experts are confident that the ultimate goal of the cryptocurrency may be more than $200,000. Fractal complexity is an indicator that measures the complexity of bitcoin price changes over 260 days. It is based on fractal analysis, which allows you to identify recurring patterns and make predictions.

In their opinion, the current fractal complexity index, significantly exceeding 1.20 (the level that usually signals the peak of the bull market), indicates that a drop below this threshold may mean an even more significant price increase. The high complexity of the fractal dimension indicates the unpredictability of market movements, while low indicators may indicate complacency in the market and a false sense of confidence among traders.

Analysts also emphasize that the value of the bitcoin network effect has a huge potential for growth, which will increase with the increase in global prosperity.

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