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China is ready for dialogue with the United States, despite trade risks

ноября, 22 2024
watermark Economic news

The Chinese authorities expressed their readiness for an active dialogue with the United States, based on the principles of mutual respect. They stressed the desire to develop bilateral economic and trade ties, despite possible external shocks, including the threat of trade duties from the United States.

Beijing is confident that it and Washington have the opportunity to maintain stable and sustainable development of economic relations, expanding cooperation and finding constructive solutions to existing differences.

Nevertheless, statements by the American authorities about the possible imposition of high tariffs on Chinese goods cause concern among Chinese manufacturers and lead to a revision of foreign economic activity strategies.

Chinese exporters are already preparing for potential disruptions in trade, and economists predict that the imposition of tariffs could negatively affect China's economic growth.

In response to these risks, the Chinese authorities have taken a number of measures to stimulate foreign trade aimed at supporting businesses and expanding exports. China also assured that it will take all necessary steps to maintain the stability of the yuan exchange rate and minimize currency risks.

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