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Beijing sets new rules: changes in the export of goods to the United States

декабря, 06 2024
watermark Economic news

China is strengthening export controls in an effort to extend the influence of its laws beyond borders. These measures include a ban on the sale of certain goods in the United States, including dual-use products. This applies to both local and foreign companies.

According to the new rules, any natural or legal person who violates the restrictions and transfers goods from China to the United States is liable. This is the first time that China has applied control measures covering both civilian and military products. Experts note that such steps may be similar to the extraterritorial sanctions in force against Chinese goods and components.

This decision is seen as a response to the extraterritorial impact of U.S. and European sanctions and may be perceived as an escalation of tensions between China and the United States. Experts note that companies using the affected materials should look for alternative supplies, as the new rules may make it difficult to circumvent the restrictions.

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