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The Norwegian Welfare Fund recorded a record profit of $222 billion

января, 29 2025
watermark Economic news

The Norwegian sovereign Wealth Fund, which is considered the largest in the world with assets worth $ 1.8 trillion, announced a record profit last year. According to the results of the reporting period, the fund's income reached an impressive 2.51 trillion crowns ($222 billion).

Nikolai Tangen, CEO of the fund's management company Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), noted that the American technology sector played the largest role in such significant growth. According to him, US technology companies have demonstrated outstanding results, which has become a key profit driver over the past year.

The Fund was created on the basis of income from oil and gas production in Norway. Today, he holds the position of one of the largest players in the global financial markets and actively invests in various assets around the world.

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