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Trump signed Exec Order for Controversial Pipelines

января, 26 2017
watermark Economic news

Environmentalists have predicted about the much-protected issue but only few of them presumed it would instantly take place. As US President Donald Trump signed an executive order giving a go-ahead signal for the completion of the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline. Based on reports, these infrastructure programs allow an easier shipping of fossil fuels towards North America.

This re-authorization order is included in the promise of Trump during his campaign which is about the lessening of internal procedures in blocking the pipelines.Moreover, the 70-year old politician was lambasted by climate activists together with Native Americans after he approved the memorandum for the pipeline projects.

The pipeline revival is the initial opposing move of current American leader against ex-President Obama’s environmental policies. As Obama’s presidency did not pursue this plan due to some environmental-related concerns.

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