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Отказ от ответственности:  ForexMart не дает инвестиционных рекомендаций. Предоставляемый анализ не должен рассматриваться как обещание будущих результатов.

US Stocks Deliver Mixed Signals as Dollar Strength Returns

января, 27 2017
watermark Economic news

US stocks stopped its rallying trend during Thursday’s trading session after investors gathered a string of corporate data which created ambiguities with regards to the overall state of the US economy. Meanwhile, the Mexican Peso dropped in value after arguments regarding the building of a Mexican border heated up during the past few days. Meanwhile, US Treasuries managed to recover from its slump during the previous session. The recent bullish tones exhibited by the financial market had somewhat eased following the rising dangers of the economic tension between US and Mexico, which is currently threatening to damage one of the biggest trade relationships in the world.

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