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Global stocks hit two-year highs

ноября, 19 2019
watermark Economic news

Today world stocks reached two-year highs, as investors still believe that the US and China will be able to close a deal and put an end to a destructive trade war. The two largest economies in the world are negotiating a deal, which must end the 18-month trade conflict that shook global markets, but at the same time Washington is intending to introduce additional duties on Chinese goods on December 15.

Despite the lack of clarity on the progress of the talks,  investors are encouraged by the growing hopes to reduce recession risks. Moreover, monetary easing by large central banks, such as China, has also helped to strengthen investors sentiment towards stocks.

Thereby, the global MSCI index, which tracks stocks in 47 countries, added 0.1%, reaching the highest level since last January. European stocks also rose: Euro STOXX 600 added 0.4%, peaking since July 2015. Indices in Frankfurt (GDAXI) and London (FTSE) rose 0.4% and 0.5%, respectively. Futures on Wall Street (ESc1) also showed a positive start, adding 0.2%.

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