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Trump says China tariffs will go «even higher» without deal

ноября, 20 2019
watermark Economic news

On Wednesday, American futures fell after US President Donald Trump again threatened to increase duties on Chinese goods if the parties did not sign a trade deal in the near future. 

«If we don’t make a deal with China on our terms, I will raise the tariffs even higher», – Trump told reporters at the meeting in the White House. Trump’s message frightened investors and made them turn to defensive assets. 

Moreover the most of US futures showed decline. In particular,  the Nasdaq 100 index fell 41 points or 0.5%, Dow futures lost 103 points or 0.4%, and S&P 500 futures fell 10 points or 0.4%. Urban Outfitters Inc shares fell 16.1%, Pacific Gas lost 4.7% at the premarket, while Micron shares declined by 1.3%.

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