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Worst-performing Economy in the Eurozone - Italy

февраля, 07 2017
watermark Economic news

According to an analysis conducted in the euro zone, the economy of Italy has the worst condition among European Union countries after 18 years while the leading country is Germany.  The besieged Italian republic was witnessed to be the only nation within the region to have an economic decline equal to its population size during the year, 1998.

The state’s Gross Domestic Product is down to 0.4 percent within that period which performed worse than Greece as stated in the EU data from Bloomberg.

Moreover, the current GDP of Italy grew by 6.2 percent, however, the number of all individuals is greater by 6.6 percent.

According to a Milan-based economist from UniCredit Bank AG, Loredana Federico, said in an interview that the country’s economy had a slow growth versus other nations. She also mentioned that it will tough for Italy to close the gap compared with other economic systems.

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