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The number of jobs in the US in June jumped to a record 4.8 million

июля, 02 2020
watermark Economic news

According to the US Department of Labor, in June the number of jobs in the economy increased by 4.8 million. This growth was a record since the beginning of statistics in 1939. Experts on average predicted job growth of 3 million.

Experts note the gradual recovery of economic activity in the country, following the partial lifting of quarantine measures. In March and April, the American economy lost about 22.2 million jobs.

However, few people expect a quick recovery: many believe that the official data does not reflect the real scale of the losses, since a large number of people are considered to be employed, but they are not able to work due to continuing restrictions. In addition, there remains a high risk of a second wave of the epidemic not only in the United States, but throughout the world.

The number of jobs in the private sector grew by 4.767 million in June, while in the public sector by 33 thousand. Industrial enterprises increased the number of employees by 356 thousand.

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