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Alcohol and Tobacco Expenditures Fell in UK

февраля, 17 2017
watermark Economic news

Based on the Family Spending Survey led by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the households in the United Kingdom have practiced much healthier lifestyle since the expenditure for alcohol and cigarettes lessened and most of the families tend to go on restaurants with an average spending of £528.90 per week recorded from the year up to the end of March 2016. According to ONS, the surge in consumer confidence was stabilized from 2015-2016. Included in the said report are the falling figures regarding the cigarette and alcohol spending with an amount of £11.40 each week.

On the other hand, the household consumption intended for cafes, hotels, and restaurants reaches £45 through a week. While the budget for transport and dwellings remained to be at a high-priced level.

Expenses on tobaccos vary across UK nation on a weekly basis. In England, they consumed  £2.90, Northern Ireland fork over £6.60, Scotland dole out £4.90 and in Wales expends £3.

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