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Venezuelan Food Expenses Affected by the Economic Crisis

февраля, 23 2017
watermark Economic news

A couple of years later the negative growth in the economy of Venezuela continues which brought about depressing stories regarding scarcity and difficulties every month. A particular news was published that according to the yearly national survey, almost three-quarters of the citizens stated for suffering weight loss with an average of 19 pounds during 2015 up to 2016.

The  National Survey of Living Condition were supervised by three major universities in the country together with other groups of researchers. Further results include that respondents cut their meals and apt to ate less than 2 meals per day with a percentage rate of 11.3 in 2015 up to 32.5 percent in the previous year with an equivalent of 9.6 million individual.

The economic tailspin in Venezuela started in 2014 due to recession in oil prices worldwide coupled with the unexpected government fiscal policy and excessive dependence towards imports which caused the economy to make an abrupt stop.

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